Les Grands de ce monde s'expriment dans

Countering social risk: the key role of grassroots initiatives

Special issue : Living with risk

Politique InternationaleHow great is social risk today?

Christian Le Roux — For several years now, our compatriots, unlike the inhabitants of other neighbouring countries, have been feeling increasingly downgraded. Fear of losing their purchasing power, fear of foreigners, fear of their neighbours, fear of the future, fear of science, fear of the environment – in fact, fear of the unknown. Yet never before has our society developed so many tools for solidarity and proximity. This is one of the paradoxes of the French, who benefit from a solid social protection system, a healthcare system that is the envy of many, a favourable employment situation, an education system for all... The voluntary sector has therefore become a guide and a reference point for many of our fellow citizens who feel neglected. Bleu Blanc Zèbre’s mission is to identify, bring together and replicate all the positive initiatives that are flourishing in all areas, whether rural, suburban or urban.

P. I.Your commitment is strong and well-established, and has been for ten years now. What makes it so?

C. L. R. — In 2014, the National Front came out on top in the European elections. The event itself had a powerful impact. It also raised concerns. The writer Alexandre Jardin came to see me at the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), where I work as the chief of staff to its president, Jean-Paul Delevoye. He was shaken by the election results, but also knew that the regions were teeming with initiatives that could give hope and energy to people suffering from a feeling of abandonment and a fear of being left behind. That’s what Bleu Blanc Zèbre is all about: reinjecting vitality thanks to the strengths of the entire network of associations. In less than three months, we are going to put this worthy aspiration into practice. Politicians are playing an important role: at an event at the EESC, leading figures such as Alain Juppé, Anne Hidalgo, Jean-Paul Delevoye and Xavier Bertrand supported this commitment. We are all convinced that an association that would be a sort of platform for all the associations is a highly appropriate tool for pooling energies. This approach may seem theoretical, but it is based on a number of practical examples we see on a daily basis: for example, a family whose child has just had a serious accident and which is mobilising to find them an appropriate living environment; in another, less dramatic vein, the followers of a little- known sport who are looking to increase the pool of practitioners; or those people who, to alleviate the difficulties of segments of the population in using the Internet, intend to help them. Bleu Blanc Zèbre believes that these collective initiatives could be profitably duplicated, provided, of course, that word gets out and people are aware of what’s going on elsewhere.

P. I.If you were to take stock of the steps taken, which issues would you focus on first?

C. L. R. …