Les Grands de ce monde s'expriment dans

# 180 - Été 2023

By way of introduction...

From Benjamin Franklin to Joe Biden

It is an alliance that is definitely unique in history. At the end of the …

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The Hermione: a Franco-American myth

Sabine Renault-Sablonière — The Hermione is a ship whose name is forever associated with that …

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Save the Hermione!

Sabine Renault-Sablonière — What is Hermione suffering from?

Marc de Briançon — During routine maintenance …

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Reims the American

Do you know that it was in Reims, the city to suffer the most in …

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Young Leaders, an incubator of talent

Denis Bachelot — The Young Leaders programme was created within the framework of the French-American Foundation. What is the purpose of this dual initiative and what conclusions can you draw from it after more than forty years of operation?

Jean-Luc …

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A lifetime serving franco-american friendship

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German Marshall Fund:a bridge between two shores

Grégory Rayko — In 2022, the German Marshall Fund marked its 50th anniversary. Can you recall the circumstances of its birth in 1972? Why was its creation deemed necessary at that moment in the eyes of its founders, starting with …

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A meeting of minds on health challenges

Jean-Philippe Spano — In the area of health, are the challenges of today – and of tomorrow – similar in France and in the United States?

Jean-Charles Soria — Absolutely. The two countries are asking the same questions. How can …

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Hauts-de-France/Maryland: exemplary regional cooperation

Politique Internationale — How did cooperation between the Hauts-de-France and Maryland begin?

Boyd Rutherford — In 1981, Maryland and the region of Nord-Pas- de-Calais established a ‘Sister-State’ relationship. The Sister-State relationship is an outgrowth of the ‘Citizen-to-Citizen’ programme started by …

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Artemis:the new Golden Age of Franco-American space exploration

Valérie Baraban — Jean-Loup, in one of your books, you write that ‘space is the future of humanity’. You like to quote Constantin Tsiolkovsky, the Russian cosmic rocket scientist and an unjustly forgotten 19th century visionary, who said: ‘Earth is …

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Laure Mandeville — In political and strategic circles, the idea that the military relationship between the United States and France has always been excellent – better than the political relationship – is a constant leitmotiv. I would like to know …

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LVMH, a look back at a transatlantic success

Politique Internationale — LVMH is the world leader in luxury and France is also in first place in this sector. Does the American public see your Group with its French identity as a sort of ambassador of French excellence and …

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Château Margaux and America

Patrice de Méritens — How does the United States resonate in your imagination?

Corinne Mentzelopoulos — It’s not something that is said but almost shouted out: America! America! If I had not had my feet so solidly anchored in the …

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French art de vivre, a model to export

Patrice de Méritens — You are the living example of Franco- American friendship …

Mireille Guiliano — Of course! Paradoxically, I was able to test this again very recently in a Parisian taxi when the driver, who knew I had …

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The digital revolution at the heart of the transatlantic relationship

The United States remains the tech Eldorado, but a European dynamic is underway and the digital revolution gap that we had is closing. France, in particular, has acquired the means to be a leader in this European recovery. There is …

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The transatlantic extraterritoriality controversy: from conflict to convergence


The extraterritorial application of American law is one of the enduring bones of contention in the transatlantic relationship, particularly in France. Following the momentous fines imposed a few years ago by the U.S. authorities on BNP Paribas for violating …

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America, America…

Patrice de Méritens — Looking at your left hand, one can see that you have a ring exactly like that of a high-flying bird!

Philippe Labro — Ah yes! It’s my ring from Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, …

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The Uniteds States: the Country the French Love to Hate

Grégory Rayko — How can the concept of anti-Americanism be defined? It dates from when?

Pascal Bruckner — Anti-American sentiment coincided with the rise in power of the United States which was progressively taking the place formerly occupied by Old …

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